Gas welding includes all the processes in which fuel gases are used in combination with oxygen to obtain a gas flame. The commonly used gases are acetylene, natural gas, and hydrogen in combination with oxygen. Oxyhydrogen welding was the first commercially used gas process which gave a maximum temperature of 1980°C at the tip of […]
Introduction to Welding Technology
Review of Conventional Welding Processes

In the following paragraphs distinguishing features, attributes, limitations and comparisons where applicable will be discussed for the commonly used welding processes. This introduction to the welding processes will help the modern welding engineers to consider alternative processes available for the situation. This aspect may otherwise be overlooked. A major problem, frequently arises when several processes […]
Welding quality and performance

Welding is one of the principle activities in modern fabrication, ship building and offshore industry. The performance of these industries regarding product quality, delivery schedule and productivity depends upon structural design, production planning, welding technology adopted and distortion control measures implemented during fabrication. The quality of welding depends on the following parameters: 1. Skill of […]

Welding is basically a joining process. Ideally a weld should achieve a complete continuity between the parts being joined such that the joint is indistinguishable from the metal in which the joint is made. Such an ideal situation is unachievable but welds giving satisfactory service can be made in several ways. The choice of a […]

1.3.1 Importance of Welding Welding is used as a fabrication process in every industry large or small. It is a principal means of fabricating and repairing metal products. The process is efficient, economical and dependable as a means of joining metals. This is the only process which has been tried in the space. The process […]

To obtain satisfactory welds it is desirable to have: • a source of energy to create union by FUSION or PRESSURE • a method for removing surface CONTAMINANTS • a method for protecting metal from atmospheric CONTAMINATION • control of weld METALLURGY 1.2.1 Source of Energy Energy supplied is usually in the form of heat […]
Introduction to Welding Technology

DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION Welding is a process of permanent joining two materials (usually metals) through localised coalescence resulting from a suitable combination of temperature, pressure and metallurgical conditions. Depending upon the combination of temperature and pressure from a high temperature with no pressure to a high pressure with low temperature, a wide range of welding […]