An arc welding power supply equipment should have the following characteristics: • must isolate the welding circuit from the mains supply. • provide the required voltages and desired welding currents for the operation. • provide the output volt-ampere characteristics which matches the arc system. • incorporate a low-voltage supply for the operation of auxiliary units. […]
Introduction to Welding Technology
Self Adjusting Arc in GMA Welding

• Here the situation is different, the voltage setting of the power-source and not the welder controls the arc length. • In GMA/GTA Welding the feed wire diameter is usually very small and the burn-off rates are far higher than in SMA or TIG Welding, and they vary much more with current. A small variation […]

3.2.1 Arc Welding Power Sources The various welding processes described in Chapter 2 require special power sources (having low voltage and high current for arc welding) to produce energy sufficient to make a good weld. Power sources could be a. c. (transformers), d. c. (generator/rectifiers) with constant current or constant voltage characteristics having current rating […]
Welding Science

3.1 INTRODUCTION After a brief review of welding processes let us go into the science of welding. This will help us in the understanding of the further discussions regarding the welding applications and technologies that will follow. Most welding processes require the application of heat or pressure or both to produce a suitable bond between […]
Plasma Arc Welding

Plasma is the fourth state of matter (other three being: solid, liquid and gas). It is hot ionized arc vapour. In arc welding this arc plasma is blown away by moving gas streams, but in a plasma torch it is contained and used effectively giving rise to the following processes: • Plasma arc welding • […]
Laser Beam Welding

Laser is the abbreviation of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It is very strong coherent monochromatic beam of light, highly concentrated with a very small beam divergence. The beam exiting from the laser source may be 1-10 mm in diameter, when focussed on a spot has energy density of more than 10 KW/mm2. […]

2.5.1 Electron Beam welding • Electron beam welding uses the kinetic energy of a dense focussed beam of high velocity electrons as a heat source for fusion. In the equipment for this process, electrons are emitted by a cathode, accelerated by a ring-shaped anode, focussed by means of an electromagnetic field and finally impinge on […]
Explosive Welding

Explosive welding is a welding process that uses a controlled application of enormous pressure generated by the detonation of an explosive. This is utilized to accelerate one of the components called the flyer to a high velocity before it collides with the stationary component. At the moment of impact the kinetic energy of the flyer […]
Ultrasonic Welding

• Ultrasonic process of welding is shown in Fig. 2.18. The core of magnetostrictive ultrasonic vibrations generator (15-60 kHz) is connected to the work through a horn having a suitable shaped welding tip to which pressure is applied. The combination of ultrasonic vibrations with moderate pressure causes the formation of a spot weld or seam […]

This group of welding processes uses pressure and heat (below the melting temperature) to produce coalescence between the pieces to be joined without the use of filler metal. The processes under this category include: Diffusion Bonding, Cold Welding, Explosive Welding, Friction Welding, High Frequency Pressure Welding, Forge Welding, Hammer Welding, Ultrasonic Welding, etc. The important […]