Small firms actually have advantages over large firms in many cases. One advantage of small firms is that they often grow into large firms. Many of today's small firms will become giants in tomorrow's business world.
Some of the situations in which small firms have distinct ADVANTAGES are the following:
1. When new products or ideas are being tried. Small firms have much flexibility. Decisions can be made and implemented quickly.
2. When the personal attention of the owner is essential to Daily operations1. If the owner's presence is important to the growth of the business, it will be more successful if the business is small enough for one person to Supervise2.
3. Where personal services, either professional or skilled, are dominant. Examples of this include beauty parlors, Real estate3 offices, interior-decorating firms, TV repair shops. Medical and dental services are also usually rendered4 by small firms. Any possible advantages of large size in these areas are usually offset5 by greatly enlarged overheads6, less efficiency7 on the job, and the loss of the personal touch of the smaller firm.
4. When the market for the product or service is mainly local. In some types of firms, it just is not economical to attempt a scale of operations that Exceeds8 the local market Demand9. The making of bricks or concrete blocks for the construction industry is an example. Transportation costs10 are prohibitive for moving such products.
5. When the industry is characterized by wide variations in demand or in styles. Examples of these include ladies' dress line, ornamental candles, and custom-made chandeliers and lamp shades. These types of products just do not invite large firm development in most cases. The small, flexible firm usually can Adjust11 to the necessary variations of specialized products more easily.
6. When close rapport with personnel is essential. Small firm owners usually have the advantage of being close to employees. They know problems from daily conversations and can adjust employment to a person's abilities better because of this close association. As a result, they are usually able to Maintain12 better morale and efficiency in the firm, which is important in any business.
Small firms are often said to labor under such disadvantages as the inability to secure competent employees, the inability To cope with13 monopolistic practices, the inability to finance Expansion14 when it has been proved to be practicable, Tax burdens15, limited Vendor goodwill16, discriminatory practices by large shopping-center developers, Lack17 of time for the small proprietor To handle18 multiple assignment, lack of Research facilities19, and the problems of making a new firm or product known in its market.
Many of the disadvantages of small firms could be overcome with positive planning. An ill-conceived business, whether large or small, has little chance of success if its operation has not been properly planned. Good research in the planning stage can reveal opportunities for success. It can also indicate when a business that is contemplated should not be undertaken.
The Rewards20 for successful small firm ownership can be significant. The personal satisfaction will vary with the individual owner. Good profits, satisfying employment, being one's own boss, community status, family pride and tradition, and having an outlet for one's creativity are some of them.
But these rewards are never automatic or guaranteed.
Success makes many demands upon the operator of the firm. The requirements for successful ownership of small business firms can be summarized as follows: personal characteristics, good customer relations and knowledge of Consumerism21, good community relations, business ethics and social responsibility, compliance with government regulations. But sound business knowledge and willingness to work hard stand at the head of any list. Knowing the causes of failure can protect the owner against them.
The individual firm has benefited from having these and other advantages. In addition to the types of firms cited, small firms in such fields as construction, wholesaling, retailing, and the service industries have faced up well to their larger firm competition. Insurance and small finance firms have also been very successful. The profitable firms have not relied on the inherent advantages of small firms as such, but have combined these advantages with alert and competent management to achieve their success.
Notes: 1. ежедневное ведение хозяйственной деятельности; 2. контролировать, наблюдать; инспектировать; 3. недвижимость; 4. оказывать (помощь); 5. возмещать, компенсировать; 6. накладные расходы; 7. эффективность; производительность;
8. превышать; превосходить; 9. спрос; 10. расходы на транспортировку;
11. приспосабливать; 12. поддерживать; 13. справиться; 14. расширение, рост;
15. бремя налогового обложения; 16 гуд-вилл фирмы; 17. недостаток, нехватка, отсутствие; 18. управлять, осуществлять контроль; 19. средства на исследование;
20. поощрение, вознаграждение; 21. консюмеризм (стимулирование потребительского интереса)