This is an educational resource that creates a truly electronic classroom. It is a CD-ROM containing tools and instructional resources that enrich your classroom and make the instructor’s preparation time shorter. The elements of e. resource link directly to the text and tie together to provide a unified instructional system. With

e. resource, you can spend your time teaching, not preparing to teach. ISBN: 1-4283-3530-7

Features contained in e. resource include:

■ Instructor’s Guide: Answers and solutions to end-of-unit review questions and problems are provided.

■ Syllabus: A summary outline or guide for presenting a course on blueprint reading for welders.

■ Unit Hints: Objectives and teaching hints provide the basis for a lecture outline that helps you present concepts and material. Key points and concepts can be highlighted for student retention.

■ Lesson Plans: These list the overview of each unit, state objectives, suggest possible lab equipment, and recommend student assignments and evaluation.

■ PowerPoint® Presentation: These slides provide the basis for a lecture outline that helps you present concepts and material. Key points and concepts can be graphically highlighted for student retention.

■ Video and Animation Resources: These AVI files graphically depict key drafting concepts and let you bring multimedia presentations into the classroom.

■ Exam View Computerized Test Bank: Over 400 questions of varying levels of difficulty are provided in true/false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer formats so you can assess student compre­hension. This versatile tool enables the instructor to manipulate the data to create original tests.

■ Handouts: These handouts can be printed or viewed electronically to describe and graphically represent the concepts of first-angle, third-angle, and oblique projection.

The eighth edition of Blueprint Reading for Welders continues a dedicated tradition of providing the most comprehensive treatment of AWS, ISO, and pipe welding and their interpretation.


An Instructor’s Guide is available for the text. It contains an explanation on how to use the text book and answers to end of unit review questions. ISBN: 1-4283-3529-3


Included in this text is a 2-sided plastic Weld Symbols Wheel written in English and Spanish, listing 30 types of welds by name and symbol, Type of Test and Symbol, and letters used with contour symbols to indicate method of finish. If you would like to purchase the Weld Symbols Wheel separately, the ISBN for ordering is 1-4354-8325-1.

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