An important parameter that needs to be calculated is the peak temperature reached at any point in the material during welding. The cooling rate from this peak temperature will deter­mine the metallurgical transformations likely to take place in the HAZ.

л/2ne pcty




(Tp T0) - t-‘net

where e = base of natural logarithm = 2.71828128

Thus 42кЄ = V2 x 3.14 x 2.71821828 = 4.13.

pc = 0.0044.

Peak Temperature (Tp)

Peak temperature equation. For a single pass full penetration butt weld in sheet or plate. Peak temperature in the base metal adjacent to the weld Tp in HAZ region

Tm T0

4.13 p CtY





Tp - T0

Tm T0

is given by equation (1) where

Tp = the peak or max. temp. °C, at a distance Ymm from the weld fusion boundary (this eq. doesnot apply for temps. within the weld metal) t = plate thickness T0 = initial plate temperature °C Tm = melting temperature of base metal pc = 0.0044 Uses of this equation

1. Determining peak temperature in specific locations in HAZ.

2. Estimating width of HAZ.

3. Effect of preheat on width of HAZ.

Example 1. A single full penetration weld pass is made on steel using the following parameters:

E = 20 V, I = 200 A, v = 5 mm/s, T0 = 25°C, Tm = 1510°C

pC = 0.0044 J/mm3.°C, t = 5 mm, f1 = 0.9 Hnet = 720 J/mm.

Calculate the peak temperatures at distances of 1.5 and 3.0 mm from the weld fusion boundary.

(i) At Y _ 1.5 mm.

1 _ 4.13 (0.0044) 5(1.5) 1

Tp - 25 _ 720 1510 - 25

Tp _ 1184°C. Note that at Y _ 0, Tp = Tm.

(ii) At Y_ 3.0 mm

1 _ 4.13 (.0044) 5(3) 1

Tp - 25 _ 720 1510 - 25

TP _ 976°C.

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