Weld Joint

A weld joint usually joins two or more parts. In any case we assume that the position of any weld joint in space can be associated with a curve in 3D space. This curve is parameterized by distance and hence has a start and stop point. At each point on this curve, a tangent vector r exists and a normal vector s is specified. In addition a third basis vector t is specified that is orthogonal to r and linearly independent of 5 but need not be orthogonal to s. Hence at each point on the curve the three basis vectors (r, s, t) define a curvilinear coordinate system. The basis vectors (s, t) define a 2D curvilinear coordinate system at each point on the curve in a plane normal to r, i. e., the cross-section to the curve.

Figure 7-1: An example of a curvilinear coordinate system for a weld Tee-joint.

The weld procedure can be imagined to slide along this curve so that at any point on the curve, the weld procedure lies in the plane normal to r. Figure 7-1 shows an example of such a curvilinear coordinate system for a weld Tee-joint and Figure 7-2 shows an example of the geometry of a Tee-joint with three weld passes.

Figure 7-2: The two parts of a Tee-joint to be welded and a possible weld procedure with three weld passes.

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