When it is necessary to specify a particular type of steel in a bill of material, it is often identified by an AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute)-SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) classification number.
AISI-SAE refers to a standard numbering system for designating carbon and alloy steels. This system essentially indicates the nominal composition of nine basic types of steel, as follows:
1— Carbon steel
2— nickel steel
3— nickel-chromium steel
4— molybdenum steel
5— chromium steel
6— chromium-vanadium steel
7— tungsten steel
8— nickel-chromium-vanadium steel
9— silicon-magnesium steel
An AISI-SAE classification for a type of steel consists of either four or five numbers. The first number in the AISI-SAE classification system indicates the basic type of steel. The second number represents the nominal percentage of the alloying component, and the last two or three numbers indicate the nominal percentage of carbon content.
Examples of number classifications for steel and their interpretation follow:
Four-Digit Classification: 1005
1—Represents the kind of steel (carbon)
0—Indicates zero percent alloy content 05—Indicates nominal percentage of carbon content in hundredths of 1 percent (.05 carbon)
Five-Digit Classification: 22125
2—Represents the kind of steel (nickel)
2—Represents the nominal percentage of the alloying element (2% nickel)
125—Represents the nominal percentage or points of carbon (1.25 carbon)
In addition to classification by an AISI-SAE number, steels are also identified by the general terms “low carbon steel” (.30% and less carbon), “medium carbon steel” (.30% to.50%), “high carbon steel” (.50% to
.90% carbon content), and “tool steel” (.80% to 1.50% carbon content). Similar standards are published by
other associations and institutes. One in particular is the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). This society also publishes documents related to the composition of metals. In this system, the letter “A” is used to identify ferrous metals and “B” for nonferrous metals, followed by a series of numbers representing the various elements that make up the composition of a metal.
Bills of materials may also be included as a part of a Project Summary Worksheet, Figure 5.7. Many companies use these sheets in one form or another to track the progress and costs of a project. The information contained on the sheet is entered into a computer system, serving as a database for maintaining accountability of the project. To summarize, a bill of materials basically consists of the size (length, width, and thickness), the kind of material, the part name or item number, and the number of pieces required. This information may be supplemented with other information, including the shape of the material, its nominal carbon content (low, medium, or high), or an AISI-SAE identification number.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
FIGURE 5.7 ■ Project summary worksheet. |
48 ■ Blueprint Reading for Welders |
Graph paper is provided at the end of each review for your use. Refer to the drawing, Spacer Bar, page 48.
1. How many Spacer bars are required to complete 9. Describe how the right-hand end plate differs the order? from the left-hand end plate.
2. What is the total overall length of the spacer bar?
3. How many and what size drilled hole(s) are required to complete the order? List sizes in decimal fractions.
10. Line © in the left end view represents which line in the front view?
11. How many inches of weld are required around each end of the pipe?
How many square inches of plate are required for each of the end plates? (Note: Include material for drilled holes.) |
4. What is the dimension of each of the following distances and angles:
® ___________________________________
® ___________________________________
© ____________________________________________ 13. What tolerances are applied to the dimensions?
® ______________________________________________________________________________
5. What is the purpose of the phantom lines?_______
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. What is the angle of dimension “X”?
6. What is the total length of h X 4 flat bar 15. What is shown in error on the drawing?
required for completion of the order?
7. What is the dimension of the distance identified as © (assume pipe wall thickness is /4")?
16. Identify the type of line used to show the position of the end plates after they are bent.
8. a. What is the nominal size of the BI pipe?
b. What is the actual size of the BI pipe? (Note: Refer to Appendix 3.)
17. What kind of material is specified for the end plates?
18. Identify the type of drawing shown. |
c. What is the total length of BI pipe required for completion of the order?
19. a. Why is the pipe shown with a break? 21. Sketch a bottom view of the spacer bar assembly.
b. Identify the symbol used for this purpose. 20. a. Why are three views used for this part? b. Identify the views shown. |
22. Prepare a Project Summary Worksheet using the format shown in Figure 5.7. Refer to foldout drawing number 7 “Die Stand Frame” for data that are available on the print to assist in completing the sheet. Where necessary, use hypothetical figures in conjunction with the data shown on the drawing to complete the Project Summary Worksheet.
52 ■ Blueprint Reading for Welders |
Refer to the drawing, Reel Cover Bracket, page 52.
1. Identify the type of drawing that is represented. 9. Identify a line that is missing on the drawing
and give its location.
2. a. What is the total length of square tubing required for fabrication of the part?
b. What is the size of the square tubing? |
10. What kind of steel is specified for making the bracket?
3. Does the size of the square tubing given represent a nominal or actual size?
4. a. How many tapped holes are required? |
b. What is the size and pitch of the tap to be used?
c. Interpret the meaning of UNC.
No. |
Material |
Size |
12. Sketch a bottom view of the bracket. |
d. What size tap drill is to be used?
5. Sketch a right side view of the bracket.
13. a. List a location dimension that is missing on the drawing.
b. Identify the view in which it is missing.
6. What is the significance of the dimensions enclosed in the brackets?
7. Explain what is meant by TYP as shown on the drawing.
8. What are the dimensions for the following?
<8 d (C |
56 ■ Blueprint Reading for Welders |
Refer to the drawing, Clamp Bracket, page 56.
1. a. Identify the three views shown on the drawing.
b. List the location dimensions found on each of these views.
7. What are the inside dimensions of the rectangular tubing?
8. Are the dimensions of the rectangular tubing nominal or actual?
9. On the drawing, apply a.50 dimension where it is so implied by the.50 TYP dimension.
c. List the total number of parts to be made. |
10. What is the maximum allowable size for dimension 5.500?
2. a. What is the angular tolerance specified?
b. What is the common fraction tolerance specified?
c. What is the significance of the tolerance xx ± .020?
3. List the reference dimensions shown on the drawing.
4. List the tolerance(s) applicable to the following dimensions:
1.188 Г/2___ |
b. What is the tolerance size(s) of the cutout?
5. What is the total length of rectangular tubing required? Allow %" for finishing and cutting each piece to complete all the parts.
6. What is the total length of angle material required to complete all the parts? Allow /8" for cutting and finishing each piece.